Happy Daze
I created and designed Happy Daze for a product line campaign. Happy Daze is a health and wellness line for all ages. These products are a wonderful way to start the day, relieve stress, and are a great alternative to coffee and alcoholic drinks. They contain a mushroom and herbal blend that has daily mood support, and stress control, and helps maintain healthy hormonal balancing. No crash, no jitters, and no stomach problems.

I’m My Own Muse
I’m My Own Muse is my passion project. I was given complete creative freedom to produce this piece, and it turned into a sample coffee table book. Each spread consists of imagery and text that I curated myself into collage art to portray the feelings and situations that I, as a woman, have experienced.

PSA Litter Campaign
I was asked to create a 2-piece Out-Of-Home PSA (public service announcement) advertising campaign to bring awareness to littering issues in Chicago, IL. The goal is a complete message and campaign consistency. I wanted the tone of this campaign to have a consistent humorous tone based on the tagline: “You’re Not Trash, Don’t Act Like It”.
My inspiration for the design of this project stems from one
of my favorite designers Pavlov Visuals and the Toronto
Anti-Littering Campaign.