After taking the Surface Design class at Columbia College Chicago, I was hired as an intern at Madak to continue creating gift bags for their client, Dipak. Throughout my summer internship, I created 104 unique gift bag designs in Adobe Illustrator.

Loading… Magazine
A magazine created as a part of the Publication Design class. My magazine, Loading..., focuses on diving into the nostalgia surrounding growing up attached to your computer in the 2000s. It dives into popular multiplayer computer games like Club Penguin, Webkinz, and Animal Jam.

Wine Labels
Created as a part of the Packaging Design class. The objective of the project was to create 3 wine labels from scratch. They had to fit 3 different audiences.
Audience #1: premium and high quality.
Audience #2: contemporary and modern.
Audience #3: fun and casual

Emigre Calendar
This calendar was created to serve as a type specimen for typefaces from the Emigre foundry. Emigre is iconic in the graphic design world and known for their wacky typefaces – a calendar was a perfect vessel to show off 12 of these typefaces.

Wildberry Rebrand
Graphic Design 3 challenged us to find an existing company in need of a rebrand. I selected Wildberry Pancakes & Cafe – my design strived to update
their logo with an exciting refresh that still offered
the same fuzzy, homemade feeling as the
original design.