16 Books
A list of 16 books that I remember enjoying while reading them! does exactly that, including summaries, amazon statistics, opinions, and a second interwoven text. The companion postcard is a quick update to the list of books I’ve read when compared to the publication.

I Hate Saint Louis
In an attempt to design something for my hometown, I realized that I Hate Saint Louis, so I set out to create a pamphlet that shows the terrible things this city has to offer.

Hobie Brand Style Guide
This style guide captures the new brand that I created for Hobie. I go over the specifications of my new logo and colors along with rules regarding typography, photography, and more.

Tattle Tale
Tattle Tale is a collection of stories about the origin, history, and impact of gossip in different communities. In this issue, the most notable community is mine, at a summer camp. The Tattle Tale poster is advertising the magazine.