Our Past Magazine
Our Past is a monthly magazine created to illuminate and amplify the voices of those who have been left out of the history of the United States through suppression and denial. Each issue will spotlight one culture by engaging in the current events challenging them today and their untold stories of the past

Lightreading was created to provide audiobooks to adults that like or need to have highlighted text while reading/listening. This app will allow the user to scan the barcode of books and then download them to read. Once a book is located or scanned the user can listen to the book while the text is synced with high-lighting

National Parks TRVL Website
This site gives travelers little-known spots in the U.S. National Parks that are off the beaten path and full of adventure. It will help those undecided and those who know exactly which park they want to travel to. Travel through the “Hidden Gems” page to all that Yosemite offers.

The Frankenstein Meta Book
The classic novel Frankenstein was utilized to question and challenge the norms surrounding conventional book design. Textual language is deconstructed and then reconstructed through a four-phase process of unknown information until needed for type experimentation and composition.

Wholicious Wraps
Wholicious Wraps is a Chicagoland food truck branding design for the downtown lunch crowd with a uniquely healthy option. This branding design brings whole-food plant-based wraps consisting of plants, vegetables, grains, and legumes to all those looking for a healthy meal that is quick and easy.